

Department of Political Science



Departmental Library
The departmental library houses 6000 books and is still growing. It is one of the best equipped library under the university library system in the discipline in India. This departmental library is in addition to the library for the university as a whole. The departmental library system is structured in three parts.

The library has a reference section dealing with the politics of the North Western Region specially Punjab. A part of this section is also devoted to a rare collection of manuscripts and classics.

The library has a textbook section which contains most of the readings regularly required for the course work. The selection here includes also includes material in Punjabi and Hindi for the benefit of students writing the examinations in the vernacular medium.

The journal section houses social science journals published within India. There has been an attempt to build a strong database on issues relating to different facets of life in India as well as South Asia. The library is open from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm on all working days. Paramjit Singh is our departmental librarian.

Computer Centre
The department has a well equipped computer facility centre from which users can access electronic resources.

Audio-visual Aids
The department is equipped with its own projectors, film screen and mini sound system. A film society "Reading Films" is also functioning within the department. This society screens films relating to the different courses with the aim that it would help students relate to what they study and discuss inside the classrooms.

Students Society
The department has a vibrant students society which is run by the students. This society holds talks, seminars and discussions on a regular basis. Some of these discussions are on topical issues. These activities are organised by the students themselves.


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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